Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Teachers’ Day Celebration At SMK Bangsar

Teachers' Day is celebrated throughout the world on different days. In Malaysia,  it is celebrated on May 16 to commemorate the teaching profession's contribution to educating the children of our country. This is also the date on which the Razak Report was formally endorsed by the Federal Legislative Assembly of the Federation of Malaya in 1956, one year prior to our country’s independence.

The world of tomorrow will be born from the schools of today” says M.L Jacks. In other words, the future of a nation is shaped by the process of education. One cannot therefore deny the fact that teachers are the key element to the growth and development of any nation and play a pivotal role in creating a sound and highly competent future generation. This year's Teachers' Day theme "Guru Pemacu Transformasi Pendidikan" which literally refers to the role of teachers in transforming education systems clearly indicates the important roles played by the teachers in nation building. Through their efforts and hard work, teachers can inspire their students to reach out, move beyond their horizons and achieve the impossible.

Teachers’ Day was celebrated on Wednesday, 16th May in SMK Bangsar with great fervour. All the teachers and students have been preparing for this grand day for weeks. It was indeed a great occasion for celebrating and enjoying the relationship between teachers and students. The photographs that I took on that special day (below) clearly depict this special event – the memories of which will remain in our hearts forever.

Teachers queuing up for the procession led by our guest of honour, YDP PIBG Encik Sharudin bin Ahmad and our school principal, Puan Hajah Noraizan Mohamed.

Everyone was so happy and excited on this special day.

The Pink Ladies

Student emcees for this grand occasion

At Dataran AR-Rahman - everyone was looking forward to the Teachers' Day celebration

Excited students - enjoying every moment of this special event

The celebration began with the recitation of prayers

Teachers' Day program books

Teachers' Day speech by our principal, Puan Hajah Noraizan Mohamed

Our teachers showing off their presents!

A speech by Haji Ampandi bin Omar, penolong kanan pendidikan khas

A speech by YDP PIBG Encik Sharudin bin Ahmad 

Souvenir Giving Ceremony

Teachers' Day Cake (right) and birthday cake for teachers who were born in May (left)

Cake Cutting Ceremony

A hilarious sketch entitled "Aci Aci Buka Pintu" by PPKI

Song presentation by the students

Presentation by old students

Balloon Release Ceremony

Hindustani Dance Performance

Teachers' Day buffet lunch in our newly renovated hall

The VIP table

Photo session in our newly renovated hall

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